St. Louis CAPS Business Partners Host Informational Sessions
This time of year high schools students are finalizing their course selections for the following school year. For current 10th and 11th grade students this means considering enrolling in one of the four courses offered through St. Louis CAPS. Interaction with business and industry partners on a regular basis is a key component that separates the St. Louis CAPS program from other course offerings and programs. To help prospective students get a sense of what it is like to work with business and industry partners, St. Louis CAPS was fortunate to have them host informational meetings. The following business partners hosted an informational session for the St. Louis CAPS course they directly support.
Medicine, Healthcare, & Bioscience
Business Partner Host: St. Anthony’s Mercy Medical Center
Business Partner: Dawn Wotawa-Bennett, BSN, RN, Education Specialist
Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing
Business Partner Host: Essex Industries
Business Partner: Russ Jacobsmeyer, Vice President of Engineering
Global Business & Entrepreneurship
Business Partner Host: Downtown T-REX
Business Partners: Brandon Dempsey – goBRANDgo!, Khalia Collier, St. Louis Surge, Darcella Craven, Veteran’s Business Resource Center
Technology Solutions & Logistics
Business Partner Host: Oasis Digital
Business Partners: Mike McNeil – Oasis Digital, Elaine Queathem – Savvy Coders