Engineering Business Partner Session March 9th
Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing Session – March 9th from 8:15 to 10:00 a.m.
This event is for high school students, counselors, teachers, and administrators interested in finding out what it is like to work directly with business partners through involvement with the STL CAPS engineering and advanced manufacturing course. You’re invited to an interactive session with local business partners that support the STL CAPS instructor and students. Attendees will learn about the various companies represented by our guest speakers. They will discuss the various types of jobs that are integral to their success and the characteristics they look for in employees. Current STL CAPS students will share their experiences and be available to answer questions.
Business Partner Guest Speakers:
Russell Jacobsmeyer, Vice President of Engineering at Essex Industries
Chris Wilson, Vice President of Operations and Partner at Wilson Manufacturing Company
Chris Kozeny, Pre-Construction Manager at Kozeny-Wagner, Inc.
Brian Schaeffer, Project Manager at Schaeffer Electric Co., Inc.